Hey, everyone! I'm Lottie, and I had the coolest adventure exploring the world of landing gear! I went on a big tour to some amazing places, and I want to tell you all about it!
First, I visited Gloucester MRO. It's a place where they fix and take care of landing gear parts. I saw the Bushing Machinist area, and guess what? I got to try out the machines there! It was so much fun.
First, I visited Gloucester MRO. It's a place where they fix and take care of landing gear parts. I saw the Bushing Machinist area, and guess what? I got to try out the machines there! It was so much fun.
Then, I went to the paint shop at MRO. The colors and all the neat tools they use to make the landing gears not only look awesome but protected from damage, were really cool.
After that, I zoomed off to Safran Landing Systems across the road. This place has been making landing gear for planes for a super long time, like more than 85 years! I learned so much fun stuff here. My favorite part of the tour was seeing the heat treatment. They showed me something called 'quenching.' It's when they heat up the landing gear super hot, like 870 degrees, and then they dip it into hot oil. It makes flames! So cool!
I also visited the place where they make parts for A350 and A320 Landing Gear. Those parts were taller than me!
After that, I zoomed off to Safran Landing Systems across the road. This place has been making landing gear for planes for a super long time, like more than 85 years! I learned so much fun stuff here. My favorite part of the tour was seeing the heat treatment. They showed me something called 'quenching.' It's when they heat up the landing gear super hot, like 870 degrees, and then they dip it into hot oil. It makes flames! So cool!
I also visited the place where they make parts for A350 and A320 Landing Gear. Those parts were taller than me!
Then, I saw the 'One Shop,' where they drill and shape parts using diamond-tipped drills. They even use water to keep the parts from getting too hot. Smart, right?

The most exciting part was going to an airshow! I saw the landing gear in action on the planes. It was amazing to see how these important parts work!
I had a busy, but super fun day. I learned about lots of different jobs I could do, from fixing parts to assembling landing gear. Safran is all about making aviation safer and more sustainable. I had the chance to chat with our engineers, and they told me all about our mission to make flying better for everyone.
It was such a special day, seeing how everything comes together to make landing gear work. Safran at Gloucester does so much – from designing and testing to fixing and supporting over 80,000 landings every single day! It's incredible!
It was such a special day, seeing how everything comes together to make landing gear work. Safran at Gloucester does so much – from designing and testing to fixing and supporting over 80,000 landings every single day! It's incredible!